Owners and Tenants can now view the last 12 months of inspection results and details. They can also view the scheduled inspections. Click on the Search Inspections link below.
In the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, payment standards are used in the calculation of Housing Assistance Payments (HAPs) that the PHA pays to the owner on behalf of the family leasing the unit. Payment standards are the maximum monthly assistance that the PHA will pay on behalf of the family.
The payment standard for a family is the lower of:
For areas where the SAFMR represents an increase in payment standards, Miami-Dade Housing Choice Voucher Program has determined the SAFMR amount has significantly changed from the current payment standard amount.
For areas where the SAFMR represents a decrease in payment standards:
The PHA’s current ZIP code schedule is included below:
Miami-Dade Housing Choice Voucher Program's SAFMR payment standard schedule by ZIP code effective January 1st 2025 is:
2025 Payment Standards by Group | ||||||
Group | Efficiency | One-Bedroom | Two-Bedroom | Three-Bedroom | Four-Bedroom | Five-Bedroom |
Group A | $ 1,584.00 | $ 1,764.00 | $ 2,160.00 | $ 2,784.00 | $ 3,276.00 | $ 3,767.00 |
Group B | $ 1,824.00 | $ 2,040.00 | $ 2,520.00 | $ 3,276.00 | $ 3,888.00 | $ 4,471.00 |
Group C | $ 1,851.00 | $ 2,072.00 | $ 2,556.00 | $ 3,330.00 | $ 3,948.00 | $ 4,540.00 |
Group D | $ 2,151.00 | $ 2,394.00 | $ 2,934.00 | $ 3,798.00 | $ 4,446.00 | $ 5,113.00 |
Group E | $ 2,304.00 | $ 2,556.00 | $ 3,141.00 | $ 4,059.00 | $ 4,752.00 | $ 5,465.00 |
Zip Codes by Group | ||||||
Group A | Group B | Group C | Group D | Group E | ||
33023 | 33010 | 33002 | 33134 | 33192 | 33129 | 33109 |
33054 | 33013 | 33011 | 33141 | 33193 | 33137 | 33122 |
33030 | 33012 | 33143 | 33195 | 33140 | 33131 | |
33033 | 33014 | 33144 | 33197 | 33154 | 33132 | |
33034 | 33015 | 33145 | 33198 | 33160 | 33139 | |
33125 | 33016 | 33152 | 33222 | 33177 | 33146 | |
33127 | 33017 | 33153 | 33231 | 33180 | 33149 | |
33128 | 33018 | 33155 | 33233 | 33182 | 33158 | |
33135 | 33031 | 33156 | 33234 | 33186 | 33178 | |
33136 | 33032 | 33161 | 33238 | 33187 | 33185 | |
33138 | 33035 | 33163 | 33239 | 33196 | 33194 | |
33142 | 33039 | 33164 | 33242 | |||
33147 | 33055 | 33165 | 33243 | |||
33150 | 33056 | 33166 | 33245 | |||
33157 | 33090 | 33170 | 33247 | |||
33162 | 33092 | 33172 | 33255 | |||
33167 | 33101 | 33173 | 33256 | |||
33168 | 33106 | 33174 | 33257 | |||
33169 | 33114 | 33175 | 33261 | |||
33181 | 33116 | 33176 | 33265 | |||
33119 | 33179 | 33266 | ||||
33124 | 33183 | 33269 | ||||
33126 | 33184 | 33280 | ||||
33130 | 33189 | 33283 | ||||
33133 | 33190 | 33296 | ||||
33191 |
Submission of an application does not guarantee placement on the Section 8 HCV waiting list.
At the time of selection, applicant(s) must meet the program requirements and the income limits for the household composition established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The 2023 income limits are as follows:
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY – FY 2023 INCOME LIMITS - Effective May 11, 2023
Household Composition
Household Annual Income
$ 36,150
$ 41,300
$ 46,450
$ 51,600
$ 55,750
$ 59,900
$ 64,000
$ 68,150
PHCD will conduct the computer-generated randomization process on Monday, March 18, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.
Only 5,000 applications will be randomly selected for placement on this waiting list.
Within 24 hours after the applications are randomly sorted and the ranking number is assigned, you will be able to check your status with your confirmation number at
or by calling 786-654-8440 or at (786) 469-4100. If you are selected for placement on the waiting list, the application portal will display your ranking for the waiting list, as well as allow you to update your contact information at
If you do not find a ranking this means that you were not selected.
Also, if you are selected for placement on the waiting list, you will be notified in writing to the mailing address and/or email address provided upon time of submission. If you are not selected for placement on the waiting list, you will be notified via the email address provided on the application.
Yes. Applicant(s) assigned a ranking number will be selected based on the following category of preferences: 1) Terminated due to Insufficient Funding by PHCD; 2) Displacement due to Natural Disaster; 3) Displacement due to Government Action; 4) Homeless; 5) Veterans; 6) Mainstream Preference; and 7) Miami-Dade County Residency Preference.
Yes, you may contact the Miami-Dade County Department of Public Housing and Community Development Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher office by calling (786) 654-8440 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.
If you are selected for the waiting list, you will be notified in writing to the mailing address and/or email address provided upon time of submission. If you do not respond to our notifications, or your letter is returned undeliverable, YOUR NAME WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE WAITING LIST.
If you have a change of address, phone number, income or family size, you must notify the program within 10 business days of the change. ALL CHANGES MUST BE IN WRITING AND CAN BE COMPLETED ON THE PROGRAM APPLICATION PORTAL ( https://www.mdvoucher.com/en-US/Waitlists/Home/CheckStatus)
HUD regulation 24 CFR 982.404 and Section B-3 of the HAP Contract requires that the owner must maintain the contract unit and premises in accordance with HQS. If the owner does not maintain the contract unit in accordance with HQS, PHCD must take prompt and vigorous action to enforce the owner’s obligation including recovery of overpayments, suspension of HAP, abatement, and/or termination of the HAP contract.
Please be advised that beginning January 1st, 2024, PHCD will place abatements on the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) the 1st of the following month after the second failed inspection for owner violations of Housing Quality Standards (HQS).
Example: 2nd fail inspections is on March 6th. Abatement will go into affect on April 1st.
Owners are not eligible for HAP until the unit passes inspection.
Owners are encouraged to take prompt action to correct any HQS violations so they will not have their HAP abated and they will be in compliance with their HAP Contract. Once HAP is abated, owners must request a compliance inspection and the unit must pass in order to end the abatement. Abatements are lifted the day after the pass inspection. Compliance inspections are generally scheduled 10-15 days after the request is made to the Call Center at 305-403-3222.
MDHCV 2024 Utility Allowances are effective 03/01/2024
Click here to view the 2024 Miami Dade Utility Worksheet(opens in a new tab)
Click here to view the 2024 Homestead Utility Worksheet(opens in a new tab)
(opens in a new tab)2024: The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) application submission process will begin on Monday, February 5, 2024, at 12:00 a.m. (Midnight) and will end on Monday February 19, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
Applications for the Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development’s (PHCD) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Waiting List will be accepted ONLINE ONLY at https://miamidadevoucher.myhousing.com/(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)
You can check the status of your application and update your contact information at https://miamidadevoucher.myhousing.com/registration(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab).
To see more information click here.(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)
Workforce Housing Incentive Program (WHIP) program is now closed due to funds being exhausted.
The Workforce Housing Incentive Program (WHIP) is an incentive currently being implemented by Miami-Dade Housing Choice Voucher Program (MDHCV) for new owners (non-existing vendors) or each new unit that has never been under contract with Section 8, in which they will receive a one-time bonus of $2,000 upon execution of a lease with a Section 8/ HCV household and an executed Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract with Miami-Dade Public Housing and Community Development (PHCD).
If a unit has occupancy history prior to 10/1/2020, it will qualify for WHIP only if the owner of the unit is a new vendor in our program.
However, if the unit exists and has occupancy history from 10/1/2020 onward, it will not qualify for WHIP, even if the owner of the unit is a new vendor in our program.
March 25, 2022
Ordinance No.
22-30: The Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners passed a new ordinance that requires owners to give residential tenants at least 60 days' written notice when: Increasing
rent by more than 5% or Terminating a month-to-month residential rental agreement.
Previous Ordinance (No 21-1) effective January 20,2021 only provided a 30-day notice of termination for month-to-month renters. There has been no previous
ordinances provided for rental increase notification.
This law is anticipated to have a beneficial impact for residents and will help renters navigate the highly competitive rental market by providing more time to adjust to higher rents or seek alternative housing.
You can read the ordinance here(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab).
If the required 60 days’ written fair notice has been provided and the tenant has not agreed to the increased rent/termination or an acceptable agreement, the owner may still enforce the rent increase or require the tenant to vacate the unit. (Owner's can not raise the rent during the first initial year of the lease)
Owners must inform Miami Dade Housing Choice Voucher (MDHCV) of the Rent Increase by clicking here(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab). Owners must submit a copy of the 60 day notice that they provided to their tenant. Owners can never charge more than what has been approved by MDHCV. It is illegal for owners to charge for side payments not approved by MDHCV and it is also illegal for tenants to make these payments.
If the owner is terminating the tenancy, owners must submit a copy of the non-renewal notice or eviction documents here(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab).
If the tenant feels they cannot afford their new tenant portion, then they may notify their owner and request them to submit a Rent Decrease to our office. If the owner refuses, the tenant may be allowed to move but the tenant must properly notify and terminate the lease according to the terms of the lease.
Tenants may request a Change of Dwelling here(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab) if
they choose to move out of the unit. For the Change of Dwelling document, please Click Here .
can find information about available housing in a number of places, including:
The Section 8 Program Office located at 2001 NW 107th Ave, First Floor, will permanently close at 5pm on Friday, February 26, 2021.
All families and owners will be serviced from a new permanent location starting Monday, March 1, 2021.
The new permanent Program Office will be located at 20 SE 3rd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, FL 33131. The new location can be accessed via metrobus routes S and 120 MAX. The new address is also accessible Metro Mover (Bayfront Park Station). This new Miami location will service clients Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm (excluding observed holidays). Appointments are required as we continue to address the coronavirus pandemic. Appointments can be scheduled at www.mdvoucher.com.
The Section 8 Program also opened a Customer Service Center in Miami-Gardens. The Customer Service Center is located at 1111 Park Centre Blvd, Suite 104, Miami-Gardens, 33169. The Miami-Gardens office will service clients with prescheduled appointments. Appointments can be scheduled at www.mdvoucher.com .
Please refrain from mailing documents to the 2001 NW 107th Ave, First Floor location after receipt of this document.
If you are an active voucher holder or an applicant already on the MDHCV's 2008 Tenant Based Waiting List or the MDHCV's 2021 Tenant Based Waiting List, you can register for a Project Based Voucher (PBV) unit.
Interested families are referred to the property for Project-Based assistance when a unit becomes available and in the same order, they are in the 2008 Tenant-Based Waiting List and 2021 Tenant-Based Waiting List. You must select one or more properties in order to register your interest in the property. You may update your interest to any property at any time.
Please note: PBV units are not available to the general public. Registration is limited to active voucher holders and applicants already on MDHCV's 2008 Tenant Based Waiting List and MDHCV's 2021 Tenant Based Waiting List.
For more information or to register: Go to the PBV Portal
Attention Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Applicants, Participants or Landlords - Do Not Be Victims of Identity Fraud Scams. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be a Miami-Dade County Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) employee asking for personal information such as your social security number, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, or credit card number, DO NOT provide the caller with any information. The caller may tell you that you have been selected to receive a voucher or that you may lose your voucher if you do not provide the information. If you are in the process of leasing a unit, the caller may tell you that your contract is ready for signing and that your personal identification must be verified. Landlords may be told that they have to pay money to avoid going to a required class. All of these are scams. The Section 8 Program does not require you to pay for any service and will not call you to ask for personal information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Housing Choice Voucher Program call center at 305-403-3222.
On March 7, 2013, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act 2013 (VAWA 2013) was signed into law. VAWA 2013 protects individuals who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking, regardless of sex, gender identity or sexual orientation, from being denied assistance on the basis of or as a direct result of being a victim of domestic violence. The law was enacted to ensure that Public Housing Agencies and Owners are consistent with HUD's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements.
To ensure that owners are compliant with this Housing and Urban Development VAWA Final Ruling, familiarize yourself with your rights and obligations as an owner of housing assisted through Miami-Dade Public Housing and Community Development.
You can contact our Client Call Center at 305-403-3222